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William E. Young. Secluded Dream, 2003. Acrylic on Masonite, 18 x 24 inches. Collection of Lisa Francis, Palestine, Texas

Ancel E. Nunn, A Silent Running, 1999. Acrylic on panel, 24.875 x 48 inches. Collection of Mike and Dr. Minna Wolfe Calhoun

William Young, Shade of the Moon,2003. Acrylic on masonite panel, 12 x 10 inches. Collection of Leo and Kathie Mack, Tyler.

William Young, Releasing the Sun, 2003. Acrylic on masonite panel, 11.75 x 10 inches. Collection of Leo and Kathie Mack, Tyler.

Past Exhibitions
Father & Son: Ancel E. Nunn and William Young
May 5–June 26, 2005

The Museum is honored to feature one of the best-known artists of East Texas, Ancel Edward Nunn (1928–1999), together with his son, William Edward Young (b. 1952). Both father and son produced exquisitely detailed works, mainly working with acrylic on a Masonite support.

Nunn's works have been shown many times at the TMA, and major publications on his art have appeared over the years.

Young (his mother's maiden name), at the age of nine, was estranged from his father for many years following his parent's divorce. The two were reunited when Young, then 18, received a letter from his father's wife at the time, Reneta. It was the first personal contact he had received over several years. Young traveled to Palestine, Texas, to his father's home and studio and met for the first time his stepmother and stepbrothers, Ancel Paul and Andrew.

What occurred then was magical; the son and the father–both artists–connected in a way that nurtured both men in the development of their work. For the father, already a well-established and successful artist, it was rewarding because he was able to share philosophies and techniques and worked with his son on producing etchings and lithographs. For the son, his own artistic talent was encouraged, and he was able to see that it was indeed possible to be a full-time artist.

Young held on to this dream during the years in between when he married and raised a family, and worked in the commercial art field, producing his own fine artwork in his spare time. After his father's death in 1999, Young decided to follow in his father's footsteps and devote his life to art. One symbolic and important decision was to move into the home in Palestine that his father and Reneta built (and which he helped to complete over the years). It is there in the same studio where his father and, at times, the two of them together created wonderful works of art that William Young now creates his own wonders.

This exhibition features early and later works by both artists. The discipline and creativity of the two are similar yet distinct from each other; the exhibition will be a delightful discovery of a new artist and a warm homecoming for the old master.

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